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What's On

The Mountaintop

July 13 - October 5, 2024

Eileen and Allen Anes Studio Theatre

Much Ado About Nothing

June 21 - October 5, 2024

Randall L. Jones Theatre

The 39 Steps

June 22 - October 5, 2024

Randall L. Jones Theatre

Silent Sky

July 12 - October 5, 2024

Eileen and Allen Anes Studio Theatre

Jeffrey Lieder

Costume Director; Costume Coordinator––The Mountaintop; Costume Co-Designer––The Greenshows

Previously at the Festival: thirty-nine seasons at the Festival, supervised more than 250 productions

Other Theatres: Milwaukee Rep, Chamber Theatre, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, FirstStage Milwaukee, Southwest Shakespeare Company

Other Credits: milliner for Michael Pink’s Peter Pan (PBS 2014), The Nutcracker at Milwaukee Ballet, American Repertory Ballet, Alberta (Canada) Ballet, Austin Ballet, and Pennsylvania Ballet; Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Great Lakes Theatre Festival, North Carolina Shakespeare Festival and Grace Costumes, New York; fabric painting and dyeing and millinery master classes at many universities and colleges around the country

Awards: Distinguished Achievement Award (2020), United States Institute for Theatre Technology; Fellow (2021), USITT

Teaching Credits: professor emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; visiting professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Professional Affiliations: active member of the United States Institute for Theatre Technology and South Eastern Theatre Conference

Website: jeffreylieder.com

© Utah Shakespeare Festival 2024 www.bard.org Cedar City, Utah